Dueling Dhows

Dueling Dhows
for Mark, Sarah, and Michael

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Varnish & Paint Work

June 12, 2018

Needing to keep progressing on the varnish and paint work left on the Dhows, I arrived home and got to sanding the "false bulkheads" and the blue Dhow's rigging.  I sanded all pieces with 220-grit paper, by hand.  With the sanding complete, I vacuumed the sanding dust and wiped all surfaces down with a rag dampened with solvent.  

I set the false bulkheads to the side and painted them with the TotalBoat TotalBilge, applying a coat and then turning my attention to the blue Dhow's rigging.

I lightly thinned the Epifanes clear varnish for the mast of the blue Dhow...

...and then thinned a bit more for the portion of the yard arm and boom that required their first coat of varnish.  The next coats of varnish on the yard arm and boom will be thinned less, and the mast portion applied first with just a slight thinning.

Total Time Today: 1 hr

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