Dueling Dhows

Dueling Dhows
for Mark, Sarah, and Michael

Monday, July 16, 2018

Installing the False Bulkheads & Naming

July 16, 2018

With just a few items left to complete the Dhows, I wasted no time in getting some help to flip them right side up.  The to-do list was just a few items long, and was really excited to wrap them up and begin to focus on preparing them for transport.

I could not resist getting to the naming of the Dhows.  Its been far too long that I have been referring to them as the "blue Dhow" and the white Dhow"!!  The names are in reference to Mark & Sarah's fathers, and their child's (Michael) grandfathers - Sarah's dad George, and Mark's dad Jerry.  The colors chosen were there respective favorite.  We are excited to deliver them, and to see their expressions.  I ordered graphics, and installed per the instructions.  A simple procedure.

After the naming, I Installed the original "false bulkhead" on Jerry.  The panels are not structural; rather, they hold the flotation foam securely under the aft seating.  The panel is secured to cleats with seven 1" #8 silicone bronze wood screws.

With Jerry's panel in place, I turned to George to install its newly fabricated panel.  The condition of George, aka the blue Dhow, when I received it was much worse for the wear...and missing this aft panel, or false bulkhead.  I describe in an earlier post the process I undertook to create this new panel.  For the installation, I set the blank panel in place, and marked for the seven fasteners: 2 on the cleat to port, 2 on the cleat to starboard, and 3 down the center seat support.  I removed the panel and pre-drilled for the fasteners, including a countersink to recess the screw heads.  I again placed the panel into position, and used an awl to mark the cleats for the screw placement.  I again removed the panel and pre-drilled the cleats. With the prep work complete, I installed the panel with the seven fasteners.  In both installations I made sure place the flotation foam into position prior to securing the false bulkheads!

With a simple bowline, I secured a length of line to the bow ring to act as a painter.  The dueling Dhows are complete!  Next stop, Michigan!

Total Time Today: 2 hrs

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