Dueling Dhows

Dueling Dhows
for Mark, Sarah, and Michael

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Third Coat of Topsides Paint (blue Dhow) & Rigging Work

June 5, 2018

I was excited to get the third, and perhaps final, coat of topsides paint on the blue Dhow today.  I say final coat with some hesitation since I will need to inspect the cured hull for "good"....not "perfect."  If I get good results, then I'm calling it done and will move on to other parts of the project.

Anyway, I started the session by hand-sanding the hull with 220-grit paper.  With the sanding completed on the hull, I made it over to the shop to mix a small pot of paint.  I spent my time during the induction period cleaning the hull as a general and necessary prep for paint: vacuuming the surface and then wiping it down with a rag dampened with solvent.

I rolled the paint with Epifanes Moltopren fine foam rollers, and had great success with the application.

With the painting done on the blue Dhow, I turned my attention to the spars for the same Dhow.  In a previous session I had done some epoxy fill work on the severely checked and cracked spars.  This evening, I water-washed that work to remove the epoxy's amine blush, and then sanded those surfaces fair.  I proceeded to sand the balance of the spars' surfaces, and then cleaned them with a solvent.

I flipped the spars over to expose the non-worked sides, and proceeded to wet them out with neat epoxy and followed that up with thickened epoxy to fill the cracks.  Next working session will be focused on applying the first highly thinned varnish coat for the blue Dhow's spars....and painting the white Dhow!

Total Time Today: 2.75 hrs

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