Dueling Dhows

Dueling Dhows
for Mark, Sarah, and Michael

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Second Coat of Topsides Paint (blue Dhow)

June 2, 2018

I had a big day planned for Saturday (gutting a rental house), so I was out early this morning to get the second coat of topsides paint on the blue Dhow.  In the previous work session, I sanded the hull and first coat of paint with 220-grit paper, so I was ready to mix paint first thing.  The humidity was already soaring!

I mixed the two-part paint and set it to the side for its induction time - 20 minutes.  While the paint was doing its thing, I took the opportunity to wipe the hull done thoroughly to remove any remaining debris from yesterday's sanding session.  With the hull prepped, I assembled the painting tools and then got straight to it.  

Likely, one more coat will do it.  I'm going to make an effort to get the first coat of paint on the white Dhow tomorrow afternoon...we will see!

Total Time Today: 1 hr

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