Dueling Dhows

Dueling Dhows
for Mark, Sarah, and Michael

Thursday, June 7, 2018

First Coat Topsides (white Dhow) & Rigging Work

June 7, 2018

Arriving home, I changed for a session working on the Dhows.  My first task was to water-wash the epoxy work done on the rig for the blue Dhow - a second round of thickened epoxy applied to the more severe cracks in the boom and yard arm.  With the amine blush removed from the pieces, I sanded things down with 80-grit paper and the RO sander.  I finished the pieces by wiping down with a rag and solvent.  I had intentions of putting a first coat of varnish on them, but lost motivation by the time I was finished with other tasks.

After setting the blue Dhow's yard arm and boom aside in the shop, I came out for work on the white Dhow.  I sanded the hull with 220-grit paper to prep for the first coat of topsides paint; upon finishing the sanding, I vacuumed the surfaces and thoroughly wiped it down with solvent to clean the remaining sanding dust.

I taped off the water line, and found the white Dhow much easier since the scribed water line was much more visible.  There were only a couple lengthy sections where in which the scribed line was lost to years of use and abuse, but I connected them successfully, eyeballing a fair line.

I mixed a pot of Interlux Perfection, combining Jade Mist Green and Snow White in a 3:1 ratio to create a custom color.  I set the pot aside to await the induction period, and used this time to do some last minute tape application to protect the recent varnish work.

Paint went on without issue, and conditions were good - wind died down and the heat moderated.  I will get the final coat on the blue Dhow this weekend, as well as the second coat on the Dhow.

Total Time Today: 2.25 hrs

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