Dueling Dhows

Dueling Dhows
for Mark, Sarah, and Michael

Friday, June 8, 2018

Sanding Both Dhows (Paint Prep)

June 8, 2018

So, dear reader, you may have figured out that I did not achieve the desired results for the third paint application for the blue Dhow...so a fourth coat it will be.  There were some imperfections on the starboard hull that I just couldn't live with, so I opted to go for an addition coat on the topsides.  I have the paint, so I might as well apply it!

I sanded both hulls down this evening:  the first coat on the white Dhow and the third coat on the blue Dhow.  In the morning, I will be applying the second coat to the white Dhow and the fourth coat to the blue Dhow.  I am also looking to apply varnish to the blue Dhow's rig tomorrow.  Steady progress!

Total Time Today: 2 hrs

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