Dueling Dhows

Dueling Dhows
for Mark, Sarah, and Michael

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Continued Varnish Work (blue Dhow rigging)

June 27, 2018

Again, a quick varnish section to get the rigging on the blue Dhow finished by Friday evening.  A couple more coats (Thursday and Friday) will finish it off.  I began by scuffing the surface with 320-grit paper, vacuuming it, and then wiping down with a solvent. 

I lightly thinned the Epifanes clear varnish, and applied with a foam brush.  The one-and-down aspect of the foam brushes suit me, but may invest in a high-quality badge hair, or the like, varnishing brush for future projects.  Cleaning the brush takes time, but ultimately would prove more economical.

The varnish was quick and without issue...other than the incredible Florida heat and humidity!

Total Time Today: .5 hr

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