Dueling Dhows

Dueling Dhows
for Mark, Sarah, and Michael

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Continued Varnish Work (blue Dhow rigging)

June 28, 2018

Yes, that would be an affirmative...more varnish work for the blue Dhow's rig.  It's been a few days sequentially, but it is nearly finished.  Tomorrow should be the last application.  

As always, I began by scuffing the surface lightly with 320-grit paper, vacuuming it, and then wiping it down with a rag dampened with solvent.

She just keeps giving this year....probably blooms 41 through 46!!

The Epifanes clear varnish, slightly thinned, laid down very nicely with the foam brush.  

Total Time Today: .5 hr

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