Dueling Dhows

Dueling Dhows
for Mark, Sarah, and Michael

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Take A Seat!

May 15, 2018

Well, no pictures this evening.  I was focused on getting out there and did not bother to remember the camera, nor did I have the break in focus to notion the necessity of it for my readers.  For that, dear reader, I most humbly petition for reprieve.  

As a consolation, of a piddling sort, I give you a list of items accomplished this evening - all seating work for this session:

- With 220-grit paper, I sanded the blue Dhow's aft seat and backrest
- With slightly thinned Epifanes, I applied the second coat to the blue Dhow's aft seat and backrest
- I disassembled the white Dhow's middle seat, sanded down to bare wood (80-grit and then 120-grit), and applied a highly thinned first coat of Epifanes clear varnish
- I disassembled the white Dhow's forward seat, sanded down to bare wood (80-grit and then 120-grit), and applied a highly thinned first coat of Epifanes clear varnish

I know, I know...that list is an entirely insufficient and unappealing update!

Total Time Today:  2.5 hrs

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