Dueling Dhows

Dueling Dhows
for Mark, Sarah, and Michael

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Second Coat Interior Paint (blue Dhow) & Seat Varnish (white Dhow)

May 17, 2018

This evening I was able to get the second and final coat of interior paint on - an epoxy-based paint by the name of TotalBilge.  I began by lightly sanding the previous coat with 220-grit paper, vacuuming and then wiping the surface with a solvent.  I painted the second coat on with a foam roller.  Finishing up with the paint, I turned my attention back to the shop for continued varnish work on the forward and middle seats from the white Dhow.

I sanded the first, highly thinned coat of varnish with 220-grit paper, cleaned the surface and applied a lightly thinned second coat of Epifanes clear varnish.

I managed to flip the white Dhow to begin the process of its interior restoration.  I am intent on not having to rip out the aft seat and backrest on the white Dhow, since the material is salvageable.  I am thinking of ripping the front 1/2" of the aft seat to remove the severely chipped portion, and then epoxy in a new edge...more to come.

Total Time Today: 1.25 hrs

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