Dueling Dhows

Dueling Dhows
for Mark, Sarah, and Michael

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Aft Seating Work: Varnish on the White Dhow and Tabbing on the Blue Dhow

May 23, 2018

In a brief work session, I managed to get the first, penetrating coat of varnish on the white Dhow's aft seating and backrest.  The Epifanes clear varnish was thinned by ~40% in order to soak well into the grain of the dry mahogany.  Subsequent coats will not be thinned as much - more like 10 to 15%, and with the final coat thinned ~5%.

In moving the blue Dhow around, I noticed that the aft seat support was moving a bit.  I didn't like the idea of the seat support grinding the underside of the aft seat, so I set out to tab the seat support to the underside of the aft seat.  I will be installing cleats on the underside of the aft seat, set back 1" from the leading edge, and this will serve to prevent the movement but would also put stress on the cleats.  So, I decided to tab the seat support in situ.

Total Time Today: 1 hr

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