Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Final Coat of Interior Paint & Continued Varnish Work

May 22, 2018

Upon arriving at the house, I went straight to work in getting the final coat of paint on the white Dhow, as well as continuing the varnish work on the aft seat, backrest of the blue Dhow and the forward and middle seat of the white Dhow....confused yet?!  Hopefully things will become more clear in the near future with topsides paint...

I sanded the white Dhow's middle and forward seats with 220-grit paper.  This is just a light scuffing to create a surface that promotes a mechanical bond for the subsequent coat of varnish.  The picture below shows one seat sanded and one yet to be.

I then moved over to the work area and sanded the blue Dhow's backrest and aft seat, also with 220-grit paper.

After the sanding was completed for the varnish work, I moved over to the white Dhow and sanded the first application of interior paint - again, with 220-grit paper.  The TotalBoat TotalBilge epoxy-based paint requires a light scuffing for better overcoating - that whole mechanical bond requirement.

With the sanding complete for the day, I moved into varnish work.  I first vacuumed the seating, as well as the interior of the white Dhow, followed by a wipe down with a rag dampened with solvent.  I first got to applying the Epifanes clear varnish to the white Dhow's seating - only barely thinned with the Epifanes reducer.

With the seating on the white Dhow complete, I moved over to the blue Dhow.  I applied what is to be the final coat of varnish to the blue Dhow's aft seat and backrest.

I turned my attention to painting out the interior of the white Dhow as the final task for the evening.  I purposefully left the daggerboard slot bare since I will be coming back to glass on the daggerboard trunk - one of the last steps in the restoration.

Total Time Today: 1.75 hrs

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Installing the False Bulkheads & Naming

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