Dueling Dhows

Dueling Dhows
for Mark, Sarah, and Michael

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Varnish Work & First Coat Interior Paint (white Dhow)

May 20, 2018

I got to work this morning by sanding the previous day's varnish work: the middle and forward seating on the white Dhow, as well as the aft seat and backrest of the blue Dhow.

The pictures above and below show the process of light sanding with 220-grit paper.  After I had sanded the pieces, I vacuumed the dust and then wiped them down with a solvent.  I applied another coat of varnish with very little thinner, and for some reason I didn't think to snap a picture of the freshly varnished mahogany seats of the white Dhow...

...but I did get a photo of the blue Dhow aft seat and backrest.

I continued the sanding theme, with an aim to get a coat of interior paint on the white Dhow.  I began by water-washing the previous days epoxy work: installation of the mast step, and a few areas that I had faired with thickened epoxy.

With the sanding complete, I prepped for the epoxy-based paint.  I vacuumed the sanding dust and then wiped the surface with a solvent.  

I worked my way around the white Dhow applying the TotalBoat TotalBilge epoxy-based paint.  The application was, again, with a solvent-resistant foam roller.  With that, I closed the shop for the day and prepared for other work off-site.

Total Time Today:  2 hrs

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