May 1, 2018
After spending the weekend in Sedona - and I did actually agonize over the lost production time that a weekend gives me - I was relaxed, rejuvenated, and ready to get back to work on the Dhows. I would say that if any of my readers have not been to Sedona, it is a trip worth taking - even if you do have a pair of dueling Dhows eager to again be splashed! (Below, one of many stunning views from the West Fork trail)
This evening, I wanted to get the daggerboard slot cut in the white Dhow, the Dhow that is being converted to a sailing dinghy. I took a measure from the transom to the aft end of the DB trunk on the blue Dhow, as well as the length of the slot, and finally, the forward end of the DB slot to the transition from bottom to bow. I wanted to make sure that I was working with similar overall dimensions and that nothing was overlooked.
Satisfied with my measurements, I proceeded to create a pattern of the existing DB slot of the blue Dhow...
...and applied it to the white Dhow. This took some time to get the placement correct; but with the correct placement, I taped the pattern in place. With a razor, I carefully removed the interior portion of the patter, and then traced the outline with a permanent marker.
A spiral saw was used to remove the fiberglass laminate, thus creating the daggerboard trunk slot.
I quick sanding around the edges of the newly created DB trunk slot and vacuuming allowed me to move on to coating the freshly exposed laminate with neat epoxy.
The next phase in the restoration of the Dhows will be to flip them and create a jig for the steaming of the white oak gunwales.
With the remaining epoxy, I stepped back to the shop and coated the side of the DB trunks that still required it.
Total Time Today: 1.25 hrs
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