Dueling Dhows

Dueling Dhows
for Mark, Sarah, and Michael

Monday, April 23, 2018

Varnish and Epoxy Work

April 23, 2018

I spent some time in the evening moving the project along by coating the skegs and daggerboard trunk supports with another coat of Epifanes varnish - sanding the previous coat with 320-grit paper and wiping down the pieces with a solvent.  I also filled a small area on the blue Dhow that I had missed in previous fill sessions but that I had noticed during application of the 4th coat of primer.  

I also applied another coat of epoxy to the daggerboard trunks.  The db trunks are ready for paint application (after the epoxy cures and I give them a rough sanding).  The final task for the evening was to sand down the fill work on the blue Dhow's seating, and to apply a thinned coat of varnish.  As I had done with the daggerboard trunk supports and the skegs, I applied a heavily thinned sealer coat of varnish; subsequent coats will be tinned by 10%.

Sorry, no pics this evening.

Total Time Today: 1.5 hrs

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