Dueling Dhows

Dueling Dhows
for Mark, Sarah, and Michael

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Tabbing Daggerboard Trunk

July 1, 2018

Feeling a bit under the weather today, so I limited my time in the heat and humidity.  I did manage to get the previous epoxy work water-washed and sanded, followed by  a vacuuming and solvent wipe down.  After prepping the surface of the daggerboard trunk and surrounding hull, I set out to the shop to cut the lengths of 1708 cloth.  I used the daggerboard trunk from the white Dhow to help patter the cuts, and used 4" and 6" 1708 biaxial tabbing "tape".  The fillet I had applied the day before was a bit on the small side, so I mixed up another batch of thickened epoxy - using 406 colloidal silica and 407 microlight - had increased the radius of the fillet.  This adjustment to the fillet would allow the 1708 biaxial cloth to lay down a bit easier.

With the improved fillet in place, I again headed back for the shop to wet out the 4" biaxial tape.  I mixed a small amount of neat epoxy, wet out the 4" tape, and applied it to the daggerboard trunk.  I repeated the process for the secondary layer - the 6" biaxial tape - ensuring that the fair bubbles were worked out from the cloth.

I was satisfied with the work for the day, and headed in for a shower and sleep!

Total Time Today: 1.25 hrs

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