Dueling Dhows

Dueling Dhows
for Mark, Sarah, and Michael

Friday, July 13, 2018

Mast Support Forward Seat (white Dhow)

July 13, 2018

Feeling lucky today, I decided to complete the mast support on the forward seat in the white Dhow...completing the 2 and 3/8" hole through the seat.  As the dimension suggests, I measured the circumference of the mast and decided that 2 and 3/8" would provide ample clearance AND support for the mast.  I applied a "sheet" of tape to the work area, laid out the cut lines, and then dropped the trim router into the field area to be cut.

I made several passes, dropping and raising the bit as needed, until I dialed in the correct dimensions and was generally satisfied with the material removal.

I sanded the area by hand to fine tune the surfaces - including a pass with the trim router outfitted with a 1/8" round over bit.

I extended the varnish area a bit to offer a seamless appearance, doing so with 220-grit by hand.

White I was at it, I sanded a seat to a tree swing I had made some time ago - a mahogany piece that had been sitting in the vegetable garden for far too long.  I thought I would take this up to Michigan for my little nephew.  I applied a coat of slightly thinned varnish to the tree swing as well as the seat, and then increased the thinner ratio to "paint out" the freshly cut surfaces.  I will come back tomorrow (and the next few days) to build up the coast of varnish on the mast support hole. 

Total Time Today: 2 hrs

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