Dueling Dhows

Dueling Dhows
for Mark, Sarah, and Michael

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Installing Rig Hardware

July 7, 2018

Couldn't have been more blessed today to receive a text message from...I'll refer to him as "Dr. Keys" (a doctor with his practice in the Florida Keys)...Dr. Keys was just checking up on me.  I've been battling the nastiest of flu bugs for the past week, with a fever from 97.8 to 102.4 and all points between!  A quick exchange of some necessary information, a swing by the pharmacy, and I can say I already feel 100% better.  Thank you Dr. Keys!

I tempered my eagerness to get cracking on the Dhows with a casual session in the air-conditioned shop.  I set about to install the remaining hardware items for both rigs.  The blue Dhow lacked a lower hook for its yard arm.  Having ordered this from The Anchorage, I installed it with two 1" #8 silicone bronze wood screws.

Next, I moved onto installing the boom crutches - which wrap around either side of the mast lower - also order from The Anchorage.  These were installed with a length of bronze rod slotted through both pieces of the crutch assembly, capturing a bronze tack hook slotted in an opening at the end of the boom, and then secured in place with two copper roves that are peened on either side.  Prior to this step however, I secured the crutch assembly with four silicone bronze wood screws - two to a side.

I repeated the boom crutch assembly for the white Dhow's boom to nearly complete the Dhows' rigs. I was lacking fours screws to reattach a block on the blue Dhow's boom.  So rather than attempting to make something work, I decided to hold off and order the correct fastener.

I finished the evening with another coat of finish paint on the blue Dhow's daggerboard trunk....and that's all, I promise Doc!

Total Time Today: 1.25 hrs

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