Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Filling Pinholes on the Dhows & Epoxy-coating the Daggerboard Trunks

April 18, 2018

After the first coat of primer paint, especially a white primer, all of the pinholes from the previous rounds of fairing compound are more easily revealed.  Before moving on to the second round of primer, I needed to tackle filling these pinholes.

Most of the areas requiring another skim coat of fairing filler were on the blue Dhow- names!  we need names for these boats! 

Walking around the Dhows, inspecting closely, I marked the areas requiring further work with a pencil.  I then roughed up the surface with 150-grit paper, by hand, vacuumed the surface and then wiped it down with a solvent.

I mixed a small batch of epoxy and thickened it with West System 410 microlight, and squeegeed it on with several passes, making sure all of the small holes were filled.

I finished up on the fairing application, and the headed back to the shop.

Picking up where I had left off the day previous, and now that the varnished bungs were set and cured, I knocked down the portion of the bungs standing proud of the trunks' surfaces.

With that complete, I turned to prepping for epoxy-coating.

I laid out the db trunks on the outfield table, and then thoroughly wiped them down with a solvent to remove all sanding dust and debris.

I worked one trunk at a time, in the following process:  mix a small batch of neat epoxy and paint it on the surface using a foam brush, thicken the remaining epoxy with 410 microlight and spread it into any small gaps in the seems and gouges on the surfaces.  A quick and easy evening of Dueling Dhows.

Total Time Today: 1.5 hrs

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Installing the False Bulkheads & Naming

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